Sunday, November 07, 2004

Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity, virgin

We would like to remind you of this upcoming event.

Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity (Virgin)
Date: Monday, November 8, 2004

Required Memorial from the Common of Virgins.

Elizabeth Catez of the Trinity was born in 1880 in the dioceseof Bourges. In 1901 she entered the Discalced CarmeliteMonastery of Dijon. There she made her profession of vows in1903 and from there she was called "to light, to Love and tolife" by the Divine Spouse in 1906. A faithful adorer in spiritand in truth, her life was a "praise of glory" of the MostBlessed Trinity present in her soul and loved amidst interiordarkness and excruciating illness. In the mystery of divineinhabitation she found her "heave on earth," her special charismand her mission for the Church.
