Lenten Meditation - March 18, 2006
I had the happiness of contemplating for a long time the marvels Jesus is working by means of my dear Mother1. I see that suffering alone gives birth to souls, and more than ever before these sublime words of Jesus unveil their depths to me: ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it will bring forth much fruit.’2 What an abundant harvest you have reaped! You have sown in tears, but soon you will see the result of your works, and you will return filled with joy, carrying sheaves in your arms.3 O Mother, among these ripe sheaves is hidden the little white flower; however, in heaven she will have a voice with which to sing of your gentleness and your virtues which she sees you practice every day in the darkness and the silence of life’s exile!
- St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Story of a Soul: Profession and Offering
1 Sister Agnes of Jesus (Pauline Martin) was elected Prioress on February 20, 1893
2 John 12:24
3 Psalm 125:5-6
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