Lenten Meditation - April 5, 2006
…those whose faith is like that of a mustard seed He grants miracles and moves mountains in order to strengthen this faith which is still small1; but for His intimate friends, for His Mother, He works no miracles before having tried their faith. Did He not allow Lazarus to die even after Martha and Mary told Him he was sick?2 At the wedding of Cana when the Blessed Virgin asked Jesus to come to the help of the head of the house, didn’t He answer her that His hour had not yet come?3 But after the trial what a reward! The water was changed into wine…Lazarus was raised from the dead!
- St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Story of a Soul, The Trip to Rome
1 Matthew 17:19
2 John 11:3
3 John 2:4
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