Way of Perfection: Chapter 35
NOTE: I would like to apologize for not posting last week's chapteruntil today, but we were in the midst of the maelstrom of fires inSouthern California. Please keep in prayer those who have died, losttheir homes, or been displaced by this tragedy.
by St. Teresa of Avila
Describes the recollection which should be practiced after Communion. Concludes this subject with an exclamatory prayer to the Eternal Father.
I have written at length about this, although, when writing of thePrayer of Recollection, I spoke of the great importance of ourentering into solitude with God. When you hear Mass withoutcommunicating, daughters, you may communicate spiritually, which isextremely profitable, and afterwards you may practice inwardrecollection in exactly the same way, for this impresses upon us adeep love of the Lord. If we prepare to receive Him, He never failsto give, and He gives in many ways that we cannot understand. It isas if we were to approach a fire: it might be a very large one, but,if we remained a long way from it and covered our hands, we shouldget little warmth from it, although we should be warmer than if wewere in a place where there was no fire at all. But when we try toapproach the Lord there is this difference: if the soul is properlydisposed, and comes with the intention of driving out the cold, andstays for some time where it is, it will retain its warmth forseveral hours, and if any little spark flies out, it will set it onfire.
It is of such importance, daughters, for us to prepare ourselves inthy way that you must not be surprised if I often repeat thiscounsel. If at first you do not get on with this practice (which mayhappen, for the devil will try to oppress and distress your heart,knowing what great harm he can do in this way), the devil will makeyou think that you can find more devotion in other things and less inthis. But [trust me and] do not give up this method, for the Lordwill use it to prove your love for Him. Remember that there are fewsouls who stay with Him and follow Him in His trials; let us enduresomething for Him and His Majesty will repay us. Remember, too, thatthere are actually people who not only have no wish to be with Himbut who insult Him and with great irreverence drive Him away fromtheir homes. We must endure something, therefore, to show Him that wehave the desire to see Him. In many places He is neglected and ill-treated, but He suffers everything, and will continue to do so, if Hefinds but one single soul which will receive Him and love to have Himas its Guest. 123123Lit: "and have him within itself with love." Letthis soul be yours, then, for, if there were none, the Eternal Fatherwould rightly refuse to allow Him to remain with us. Yet the Lord isso good a Friend to those who are His friends, and so good a Masterto those who are His servants, that, when He knows it to be the willof His Beloved Son, He will not hinder Him in so excellent a work, inwhich His Son so fully reveals the love which He has for His Father,as this wonderful way which He seeks of showing how much He loves usand of helping us to bear our trials.
Since, then, Holy Father, Who art in the Heavens, Thou dost will andaccept this (and it is clear that Thou couldst not deny us a thingwhich is so good for us) there must be someone, as I said at thebeginning, who will speak for Thy Son, for He has never defendedHimself. Let this be the task for us, daughters, though, havingregard to what we are, it is presumptuous of us to undertake it. Letus rely, however, on Our Lord's command to us to pray to Him, and, infulfillment of our obedience to Him, let us beseech His Majesty, inthe name of the good Jesus, that, as He has left nothing undone thatHe could do for us in granting sinners so great a favor, He may bepleased of His mercy to prevent Him from being so ill-treated. SinceHis Holy Son has given us this excellent way in which we can offerHim up frequently as a sacrifice, let us make use of this preciousgift so that it may stay the advance of such terrible evil andirreverence as in many places is paid to this Most Holy Sacrament.For these Lutherans seem to want to drive Him out of the world again:they destroy churches, cause the loss of many priests and abolish thesacraments.124124The sense of the verb here rendered "cause the lossof" is vague. Literally the phrase reads: "so many priests are lost."And there is something of this even among Christians, who sometimesgo to church meaning to offend Him rather than to worship Him.
Why is this, my Lord and my God? Do Thou bring the world to an end orgive us a remedy for such grievous wrongs, which even our wickedhearts cannot endure. I beseech Thee, Eternal Father, endure it nolonger: quench this fire, Lord, for Thou canst do so if Thou wilt.Remember that Thy Son is still in the world; may these dreadfulthings be stopped out of respect for Him, horrible and abominable andfoul as they are. With His beauty and purity He does not deserve tobe in a house where such things happen. Do this, Lord, not for oursake, for we do not deserve it, but for the sake of Thy Son. We darenot entreat Thee that He should no longer stay with us, for Thou hastgranted His prayer to Thee to leave Him with us for to-day—that is,until the end of the world. If He were to go, what would become ofus? It would be the end of everything. If anything can placate Theeit is to have on earth such a pledge as this. Since some remedy mustbe found for this, then, my Lord, I beg Thy Majesty to apply it. Forif Thou wilt, Thou art able.
O my God, if only I could indeed importune Thee! If only I had servedThee well so that I might be able to beg of Thee this great favor asa reward for my services, for Thou leavest no service unrewarded! ButI have not served Thee, Lord; indeed, it may perhaps be for my sins,and because I have so greatly offended Thee, that so many evils come.What, then, can I do, my Creator, but present to Thee this most holyBread, which, though Thou gavest it to us, I return to Thee,beseeching Thee, by the merits of Thy Son, to grant me this favor,which on so many counts He has merited? Do Thou, Lord, calm this sea,and no longer allow this ship, which is Thy Church, to endure sogreat a tempest. Save us, my Lord, for we perish.125125St. Matthew’viii, 25.
source URL: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/teresa/way.i.xli.html
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