Monthly Spiritual Retreat - April
Theme: Renunciation
In the first place, renunciation of evil, always and everywhere, and of all that might, even indirectly, make my soul tend toward evil.
Renunciation of the world, its spirit and works, and of all that belongs solely to this world and will have no place in eternity. I resolve to live for God alone, for souls and for friendships, which become more deep and precious every day in proportion to me rooting them more firmly in God. I must, however, lend myself to the world and to outward things whenever I have to perform any duty imposed by my state in life or by charity.
Renunciation of self is perhaps the most difficult of all. To give up my pride, my egotism, and my self-will, which creeps in everywhere and, under the subtle disguises, makes its power felt – a power that is still far too great.
Renunciation of human desires and personal gratification, either for the sake of others or in a spirit of mortification.
Renunciation of spiritual joys and consolation, if such is the will of God; and acceptance, in a spirit of love and penance, of the very real privations involved in recollection, silence, and contemplation, and also of work and action. If God desires nothing more of me, I will at least be in His hands a quiet, unresisting instrument, which He will use for His own glory and the good of souls, availing Himself, as He sees fit, of my prayers, sacrifices, and sufferings.
Renunciation is obtained by prayer, is practiced by means of mortification, and displays itself in charity. It leads us to liberty, the holy liberty of God’s children, who are free from all that might impede their progress toward Heaven. It makes us understand and appreciate the eternal truths; it teaches us to love with more genuine and lasting affection those with whom we come in contact, and the souls of our brethren. It makes us adore Jesus Christ and consecrate ourselves irrevocably to Him, our blessed Master and our God.
From “The Secret Diary of Elisabeth Leseur: the Woman Whose Goodness Changed Her Husband from Atheist to Priest,” Sophia Institute Press® Manchester, New Hampshire, © 2002
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